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26 04, 2021

500: Retirement Planning Strategist, Rick Onorato [REPLAY]

Regular listeners will be surprised in this interview to hear about a rather unique retirement investment tool built around a 401k. That’s right, a 401k! You’re likely not familiar with a variation on the traditional 401k that allows much more flexibility, higher contribution levels, much greater tax deductions, and a vehicle for building real retirement [...]

12 04, 2021

498: Renowned Economist Dr. Robert Murphy [REPLAY]

Democrats and Republicans continue selling us down the river, the Fed is running roughshod over our economy, and we keep getting poorer. The fact is, the system is set up to rob us of our spending power, so that we are always dependent on the banks and whatever Wall Street happens to be doing at [...]

29 03, 2021

496: Market Strategist, Lance Roberts [REPLAY]

**This interview originally aired this past winter. Some information may be dated.** Most Americans have the wrong idea about investing and retirement funds, and today’s talk goes through all the nuts and bolts of what you need to know. There are a ton of specific facts and figures in this episode. We lay it all [...]

15 03, 2021

494: Larry Smith, American Business Success Story [REPLAY]

Most Americans go to work, spend 40-80 hours grinding away, and never manage to put much away for the future. Most live paycheck to paycheck with little to nothing for emergencies, major life expenses, or just enjoying their families. But as this conversation brings out, all it takes is a little self-education, a few unconventional [...]

22 02, 2021

491: Disability Income Protection Expert, Matt Mitchell [REPLAY]

Today’s talk is a very candid look at the state of income protection the average person has. There are several surprises that really struck me throughout the conversation. For example, by far, the majority of disability needs do not come from an accident but from common illnesses like cancer. And most people just aren’t prepared [...]

25 01, 2021

487: The Battle for Your Money Begins in Your Mind: Christine Luken

The money issues you face on a regular basis really extend to a deeper emotional level. How you think about money absolutely controls how you interact with money. So, it goes without saying that if you can correct the root thoughts that drive you to make money mistakes, the fruit of prosperity will be inevitable.

11 01, 2021

485: Bank On Yourself Co-Founder, Tim Austin

Joining us is Tim Austin, the man who, along with Pamela Yellen, co-founded the Bank On Yourself concept. He is also the founder of SET for Advisors, a leading training organization for financial advisors who want to help their clients grow wealth predictably and without risk or volatility. He’s here to share why current investment and savings practices are so different from the time-tested methods of previous generations, and how we can learn and profit from the tried-and-true methods of our great-grandparents.

14 12, 2020

481: Larry Smith, American Business Success Story

Most Americans go to work, spend 40-80 hours grinding away, and never manage to put much away for the future. Most live paycheck to paycheck with little to nothing for emergencies, major life expenses, or just enjoying their families. But as this conversation brings out, all it takes is a little self-education, a few unconventional principles, and maybe a paradigm shift, and you can change all this. You can live off passive income and have the time left over to live the life you want to live.

16 11, 2020

477: Disability Income Protection Expert, Matt Mitchell

The majority of disability needs do not come from an accident but from common illnesses like cancer. And most people just aren’t prepared for the double whammy of high medical bills combined with loss of income.

26 10, 2020

474: Guaranteed Retirement Income Expert, Keith Mohn

People speculate based on emotion even without realizing it. And this is a tough-love kind of no-nonsense talk that breaks down why very popular financial strategies so often fail – and why dividend bearing whole life insurance has been such a reliable tool for so many years for shoring up your financial future and avoiding risk.

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