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24 02, 2020

439: Bank On Yourself Co-Founder, Tim Austin

Joining us is Tim Austin, the man who, along with Pamela Yellen, co-founded the Bank On Yourself concept. He is also the founder of SET for Advisors, a leading training organization for financial advisors who want to help their clients grow wealth predictably and without risk or volatility. He’s here to share why current investment and savings practices are so different from the time-tested methods of previous generations, and how we can learn and profit from the tried-and-true methods of our great-grandparents.

17 02, 2020

438: Guaranteed Retirement Income Expert, Keith Mohn

People speculate based on emotion even without realizing it. And this is a tough-love kind of no-nonsense talk that breaks down why very popular financial strategies so often fail – and why dividend bearing whole life insurance has been such a reliable tool for so many years for shoring up your financial future and avoiding risk.

3 02, 2020

436: Average Rate of Return Webinar Replay

Teresa recently sat down with fellow Bank On Yourself advisor, Kristin Colca, for another Living Wealthy Financial webinar - this one to destroy the myth that the average rate of return advertised for a given savings vehicle equals the actual rate of return on that investment. Most investments advertise an average return that grossly inflates what clients actually experience each year.

6 01, 2020

432: Renowned Economist Dr. Robert Murphy

The fact is, the system is set up to rob us of our spending power, so that we are always dependent on the banks and whatever Wall Street happens to be doing at the moment. And the Bank-On-Yourself method, following the Infinite Banking concept, just sidesteps all of this and puts the power back in our hands.

23 12, 2019

430: Data Scientist Turned Real Estate Investor, Neal Bawa

Real estate investing is highly risky, and most people just can’t make it work. But today’s guest has built a real estate empire by applying his background as a data scientist. His method for selecting properties is something you’ve probably never heard of before. And surprisingly, it’s extremely simple.

2 12, 2019

427: Joe D’Aura, Medicare Specialist

This interview is all about Medicare. You probably know that something happens when you turn 65, but maybe you don’t know exactly what. So much about this government-run insurance program doesn’t make sense to most people. It’s very complicated and confusing. Well, don’t worry. We’re going to break it all down for you.

11 11, 2019

424: Retirement Planning Strategist, Rick Onorato

Regular listeners will be surprised in this interview to hear about a rather unique retirement investment tool built around a 401k. That’s right, a 401k! You’re likely not familiar with a variation on the traditional 401k that allows much more flexibility, higher contribution levels, much greater tax deductions, and a vehicle for building real retirement wealth.

28 10, 2019

422: Fun Cheap or Free Queen, Jordan Page

If you have money troubles or wish you could stretch your income just a little bit farther, you might be surprised by how simple it can be. Over half of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck with no significant savings to fall back on. But with just a few simple changes and some proactive planning, you can be thrifty and thrive at the same time.

14 10, 2019

420: Solar Energy Socialpreneur, Rush Waghorne

The solar industry is changing for the better. Just as Uber revolutionized travel and cryptocurrency revolutionized currency, there is a new way to do solar energy. Society is so tied down to the electrical grid and dependent for their energy – but there is a way to unplug with literally zero out of pocket.

7 10, 2019

419: Renowned Economist Dr. Robert Murphy

The fact is, the system is set up to rob us of our spending power, so that we are always dependent on the banks and whatever Wall Street happens to be doing at the moment. And the Bank-On-Yourself method, following the Infinite Banking concept, just sidesteps all of this and puts the power back in our hands.

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