Keith Mohn, bank on yourself, dividend bearing whole life insuranceToday’s talk is a really insightful look at the reasons investments underperform and our best laid plans don’t go quite like we thought they would. People speculate based on emotion even without realizing it. And this is a tough-love kind of no-nonsense talk that breaks down why very popular financial strategies so often fail – and why dividend bearing whole life insurance has been such a reliable tool for so many years for shoring up your financial future and avoiding risk.

Joining us today is Keith Mohn, a long-time friend and fellow Bank On Yourself advisor. He was practically raised in financial services and has extensive experience in advanced planning, estate planning, qualified plans, and deferred compensation plans. He’s here to discuss some of the much better wealth-building alternatives to Wall Street that his clients benefit from – and share how to develop a guaranteed income stream throughout retirement.

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