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26 05, 2013

90: Author of ‘Halestorm’, Becky Akers

The TSA was created shortly after 9/11 as a response to the attacks and a way to keep the travelling public safe. 12 years, and countless stories about the harassment, assault, and misuse of authority later we can’t help but wonder if this is just another example of the federal government’s knee jerk reaction of pouring money on [...]

21 04, 2013

85: Stephen Lendman of the Progressive Radio News Hour and Robert Murray

We are facing a time of great uncertainty in our country. Ordinary Americans, you and I, are being pushed into insurmountable debt, inflation, and threats on our civil liberties. Our guest today on Living Wealthy Radio is Stephen Lendman, author of 'Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity' and host of the Progressive Radio News Hour. In his [...]

10 03, 2013

80: Author of ‘Halestorm’, Becky Akers

The TSA was created shortly after 9/11 as a response to the attacks and a way to keep the travelling public safe. 12 years, and countless stories about the harassment, assault, and misuse of authority later we can't help but wonder if this is just another example of the federal government's knee jerk reaction of pouring money on [...]

7 10, 2012

57: 2004 Libertarian Presidential Nominee, Michael Badnarik

We have a very special guest returning today, the 2004 Libertarian party Presidential nominee, Michael Badnarik. The last time he was on the show he talked a little about his frustrations on the campaign trail and his book about the Constitution, but today the show is geared toward you! Through his widely-praised classes on the Constitution, Michael [...]

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