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30 03, 2014

129: Chuck Baldwin, Pastor, Presidential Candidate, & Constitutional Champion

Do you long for the “good old days” when America seemed a bit more free? Do you wonder where we went wrong and what it would take to get us back on the right path? Maybe you’ve put your

26 01, 2014

121: Privacy Expert, Katherine Albrecht

Security cameras, red light cameras, webcams- is there ever a moment we aren’t being filmed? Social media, mobile phones, and cars with GPS systems- they know your location at all times. At banks and financial institutions- everything we think and do is being recorded! Is privacy a thing of the past? Katherine Albrecht, founder of CASPIAN, [...]

12 01, 2014

119: KrisAnne Hall, Author, Radio Host, & Constitutional Champion

Is the Constitution outdated for our times? What do YOU think – do terms like states rights, nullification, civil liberties, or unconstitutional really have a place in our modern society? The advance of technology and new threats like terrorism have led some to argue that our times call for new and different policies and approaches. [...]

22 12, 2013

117: Sheriff Richard Mack, Author, Speaker, & Founder of Constitutional Sheriff Movement

As federal tyranny becomes more and more out of hand, people are looking for answers. How can we reclaim our liberties? How can we make a stand against unconstitutional governmental edicts? How can we reverse the massive expansion of federal power? The answer might be simpler than you realize. The hope for America just might [...]

15 12, 2013

116: Michael Badnarik, Author, Constitutional Scholar, and Former Presidential Candidate

If US troops marched up to your door and demanded the surrender of your firearms, would you comply? If the federal government enacted a law requiring you to get a microchip inserted into your hand, would you submit? What if the government said you have to pay half of your income in taxes or buy [...]

3 11, 2013

110: Larry Smith, Executive Advisory Board Member of LegalShield

The Constitution of the United States guarantees our right to legal counsel, however it doesn’t guarantee the quality or level of access to the legal shield. That comes through the almighty dollar, and more often than not many people find themselves financially unable to defend themselves. Our guest today, Larry Smith, understood that when he joined LegalShield [...]

6 10, 2013

106: Blogger, author, television and radio commentator, Charles Hugh Smith

A sacred cow is an idea, custom, or institution that is unreasonably held to be above criticism. What are some sacred cows you can think of? Conventional financial planning is a huge one for me- from the way we are taught to save for retirement to how we send our kids to college- there are [...]

25 08, 2013

102: Privacy Expert, Katherine Albrecht

Security cameras, red light cameras, webcams- is there ever a moment we aren’t being filmed? Social media, mobile phones, and cars with GPS systems- they know your location at all times. At banks and financial institutions- everything we think and do is being recorded! Is privacy a thing of the past? Katherine Albrecht, founder of CASPIAN, [...]

11 08, 2013

100: Mary Ruwart, political activist, research scientist, and author of ‘Healing Our World’

Our country is divided: liberal vs. conservative, black vs. white, poor vs. rich. Instead of learning from each other, from the experiences of others, we blame them for our own issues. As my guest today- the author, activist and research scientist, Mary Ruwart explains, if we can just figure out how to live by the old adages of [...]

30 06, 2013

94: Author of ‘Halestorm’, Becky Akers

The TSA was created shortly after 9/11 as a response to the attacks and a way to keep the travelling public safe. 12 years, and countless stories about the harassment, assault, and misuse of authority later we can’t help but wonder if this is just another example of the federal government’s knee jerk reaction of pouring money on [...]

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