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Topic: Politics

2908, 2016

256: Texas Citizen Activists, Sheila & Coleman Hemphill

Have you ever wondered about all the laws that come out every year? Do you really have a say in all of this legislation? Are you concerned that electronic voting machines might be undermining our representative democracy even further? What about SMART meters and other legislative issues - do you feel your views on these issues are adequately being represented in your state government? How can you be better informed and involved?

1508, 2016

254: Austrian Economist & Author, Dr. Mark Thornton

Why do we have recessions and depressions? Why does our money always seem to buy less and less? Why is unemployment so rampant? Dr. Mark Thornton, a senior fellow at the Mises Institute explains why our economy is broke, and how Austrian economics is the solution...

2006, 2016

246: Dr. Mark Thornton, Austrian Economist & Author

Why do we have recessions and depressions? Why does our money always seem to buy less and less? Why is unemployment so rampant? Dr. Mark Thornton, a senior fellow at the Mises Institute explains why our economy is broke, and how Austrian economics is the solution...

905, 2016

240: Lenore Skenazy, Free-Range Parenting Advocate

Do you ever wish for the “good ol’ days” when your kids could play outside unsupervised or ride a bike down the road to their friend’s house? Well, what if these ARE the “good ol’ days?” What if your children aren’t in as much danger as you think? What if they are capable of more responsibility than you realize? What if you could have more peace of mind...

2803, 2016

234: Dr. Mark Thornton, Austrian Economist & Author

Why do we have recessions and depressions? Why does our money always seem to buy less and less? Why is unemployment so rampant? Dr. Mark Thornton, a senior fellow at the Mises Institute explains why our economy is broke, and how Austrian economics is the solution...

2103, 2016

233: Dr. Walter Williams, Professor & Economist

We in America love freedom, liberty, and self-government…right? So why does it seem that this country is always edging closer and closer to tyranny and away from liberty? If we cherish liberty so much and really do believe in limited government, why is the size of government larger than it’s ever been in our 200+ years?

2501, 2016

225: Joanne Naughton, Ex Cop & Drug Legalization Advocate

Do you think the War on Drugs is working? Or is it time to re-think the issue? Does locking up people who do drugs solve the problem, or does it just make the problem worse? Maybe someone you know has a drug addiction problem – is government intervention the best cure for them? Is jail time..

1412, 2015

219: Dr. Walter Williams, Professor & Economist

We in America love freedom, liberty, and self-government…right? So why does it seem that this country is always edging closer and closer to tyranny and away from liberty? If we cherish liberty so much and really do believe in limited government, why is the size of government larger than it’s ever been in our 200+ years?

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