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The New Economy

308, 2014

147: Harry Dent, Economist, Market Researcher, & Trends Forecaster

Our guest, economist Harry Dent, is using demographics to predict major economic events decades ahead of time, and his research can help you save money and invest wisely. He successfully predicted the boom and bust cycle we recently came through utilizing the same demographics information and statistics that marketers and insurance professionals use to maximize their business. He has a rather surprising outlook for the next few years and offers a unique perspective on how to...

1105, 2014

135: Harry Dent, Economist, Market Researcher, & Trends Forecaster

Our guest, economist Harry Dent, is using demographics to predict major economic events decades ahead of time, and his research can help you save money and invest wisely. He successfully predicted the boom and bust cycle we recently came through utilizing the same demographics information and statistics that marketers and insurance professionals use to maximize their business. He has a rather surprising outlook for the next few years and offers a unique perspective on how to position ourselves best to meet the coming market changes.

1304, 2014

131: Nelson Nash, Bestselling Author, Lecturer, & Creator of Infinite Banking

Have you ever been turned down for a loan? Maybe you found your dream home, but the banks weren’t willing to play ball. Maybe you want to get into investing, but don’t know where to start. Perhaps you have

903, 2014

127: Catherine Austin Fitts, Author, Bush Administration Member, & Economic Trends Expert

Do you sometimes wonder about your financial future? Do you ever find yourself confused by all of the conflicting investment advice out there? There is a lot of uncertainty and instability in our economy even still, and recent trends

2404, 2011

Are you stuck in the middle of the middle?

Are you stuck in the middle of the middle? By 2008, socio-economic research was beginning to confirm what many of us already knew... The middle class in America is vanishing at an astonishing rate. According to Pew Research, Americans, especially middle class Americans, are feeling less progress in their lives now than at any time [...]

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