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Topic: Business & Development

2505, 2015

189: Dr. Jim Harris, Speaker, Consultant, & Success Coach

Do you sometimes feel like you’re just spinning your wheels and not making a significant impact with your life, whether at work or in your relationships? Do you ever wonder what it would take to have more of an influence with your friends and loved ones or to really get somewhere in your career

1503, 2015

179: Dr. Srikumar Rao, Author & Empowerment Coach

Do you have a nagging sense that, somehow, time is slipping by and you’ve accomplished only a fraction of what you are capable of? Perhaps your job isn’t what you thought it would be or you’re just not progressing in your career the way you would like. Is there an undercurrent of stress in your life? Dr. Srikumar Rao, is a professor and founder of the Rao Institute, a program focused on empowering entrepreneurs and professionals become more creative and find fulfillment in true success...

102, 2015

173: Harry Dent, Economist, Market Researcher, & Trends Forecaster

Our guest, economist Harry Dent, is using demographics to predict major economic events decades ahead of time, and his research can help you save money and invest wisely. He successfully predicted the boom and bust cycle we recently came through utilizing the same demographics information and statistics that marketers and insurance professionals use to maximize their business. He has a rather surprising outlook for the next few years and offers a unique perspective on how to...

1801, 2015

171: Dr. Tracey Wilen, Global Speaker & Author on 21st-Century Career Trends

When was the last time you paused to think about where you’re at in your career? Are you happy with your skills, networks, and current job? Maybe you’re looking for a job, and you just can’t catch a break. Perhaps you’re stuck in a job that’s going nowhere and you feel like you’re spinning your wheels. Many are realizing that the 21st-century job market is not...

3011, 2014

164: Dr. Jim Harris, Speaker, Consultant, & Success Coach

Do you sometimes feel like you’re just spinning your wheels and not making a significant impact with your life, whether at work or in your relationships? Do you ever wonder what it would take to have more of an influence with your friends and loved ones or to really get somewhere in your career?

2311, 2014

163: Business Exit Specialist, Heath Frantzen & Business Attorney, Mark Torok

Experts tell us that HALF of all Baby Boomer business owners want to exit their businesses in the next 5 years, and 75% over the next 10 years. The numbers are staggering. Between 7 million and 12 million businesses will need to be exited over the next 20 years. The problem? There are only about 24,000 sold each year. The solution is...

1008, 2014

148: Business Exit Specialist, Heath Frantzen & Business Attorney, Mark Torok

Experts tell us that HALF of all Baby Boomer business owners want to exit their businesses in the next 5 years, and 75% over the next 10 years. The numbers are staggering. Between 7 million and 12 million businesses will need to be exited over the next 20 years. The problem? There are only about 24,000 sold each year. The solution is...

308, 2014

147: Harry Dent, Economist, Market Researcher, & Trends Forecaster

Our guest, economist Harry Dent, is using demographics to predict major economic events decades ahead of time, and his research can help you save money and invest wisely. He successfully predicted the boom and bust cycle we recently came through utilizing the same demographics information and statistics that marketers and insurance professionals use to maximize their business. He has a rather surprising outlook for the next few years and offers a unique perspective on how to...

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