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22 06, 2015

193: Dr. Walter Williams, Professor & Author

We in America love freedom, liberty, and self-government…right? So why does it seem that this country is always edging closer and closer to tyranny and away from liberty? If we cherish liberty so much and really do believe in limited government, why is the size of government larger than it’s ever been in our 200+ years?

8 03, 2015

178: Nick Dranias, Attorney & Article V Convention Advocate

Did you know the current national debt is over 18 trillion dollars? In case you’re wondering, that’s about 150 thousand dollars per taxpayer! How in the world is that sustainable? And what would it mean for us if the US had to default on such a staggering mountain of debt? And most importantly, how do we change this?

26 01, 2015

172: Charlotte Iserbyt, Common Core Whistleblower & Former Dept. of Education Advisor

Do you have concerns about Common Core? Have you seen some of the bizarre material contained in this new educational system? Is Common Core really a mechanism to dumb down our children and remove the discretion of the local school board from the equation? What can we do about this?

27 07, 2014

146: KrisAnne Hall, Author, Radio Host, & Constitutional Champion

Is the Constitution outdated for our times? What do YOU think – do terms like states rights, nullification, civil liberties, or unconstitutional really have a place in our modern society? The advance of technology and new threats like terrorism have led some to argue that our times call for new and different policies and approaches. But on the other hand...

6 07, 2014

143: Sheriff Richard Mack, Author, Speaker, & Founder of Constitutional Sheriffs

As federal tyranny becomes more and more out of hand, people are looking for answers. How can we reclaim our liberties? How can we make a stand against unconstitutional governmental edicts? How can we reverse the massive expansion of federal power? The answer might be simpler than you realize. The hope for America just might be your local sheriff! As the chief law enforcement officer for your county, the local sheriff has...

1 06, 2014

138: Chuck Baldwin, Pastor, Presidential Candidate, & Constitutional Champion

Do you long for the “good old days” when America seemed a bit more free? Do you wonder where we went wrong and what it would take to get us back on the right path? Maybe you’ve put your political eggs in the Republican or Democrat basket only to be disappointed by the endless push for more and more intrusive government. Maybe you’ve turned to your church or the Bible looking for answers, but you’ve been told to just obey the powers that be...

30 03, 2014

129: Chuck Baldwin, Pastor, Presidential Candidate, & Constitutional Champion

Do you long for the “good old days” when America seemed a bit more free? Do you wonder where we went wrong and what it would take to get us back on the right path? Maybe you’ve put your

26 01, 2014

121: Privacy Expert, Katherine Albrecht

Security cameras, red light cameras, webcams- is there ever a moment we aren’t being filmed? Social media, mobile phones, and cars with GPS systems- they know your location at all times. At banks and financial institutions- everything we think and do is being recorded! Is privacy a thing of the past? Katherine Albrecht, founder of CASPIAN, [...]

12 01, 2014

119: KrisAnne Hall, Author, Radio Host, & Constitutional Champion

Is the Constitution outdated for our times? What do YOU think – do terms like states rights, nullification, civil liberties, or unconstitutional really have a place in our modern society? The advance of technology and new threats like terrorism have led some to argue that our times call for new and different policies and approaches. [...]

22 12, 2013

117: Sheriff Richard Mack, Author, Speaker, & Founder of Constitutional Sheriff Movement

As federal tyranny becomes more and more out of hand, people are looking for answers. How can we reclaim our liberties? How can we make a stand against unconstitutional governmental edicts? How can we reverse the massive expansion of federal power? The answer might be simpler than you realize. The hope for America just might [...]

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