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12 10, 2014

157: Dr. Renee Tocco Hunter, Physician & Chronic Illness Expert

Have you noticed the dramatic increase in health problems among our youth in recent years? Do you ever wonder what you can do to protect your children or grandchildren? For starters, it’s time we acknowledge that there is a real problem. The US has the second highest infant mortality rate in the developed world. Over 13% of kids have developmental disabilities. And food allergies and childhood obesity are skyrocketing! Why? What’s going on?

31 08, 2014

151: Robyn O’Brien, Author & GMO Whistleblower

Do you or someone you know have children with food allergies? Have you ever wondered why food allergies seem to be so much more common now than just a few years ago? Why does the US...

29 06, 2014

142: Kevin Miller, Award-Winning Writer, Director, & Drug Researcher

Do you have a child who has been prescribed Ritalin or been put on psychotropic drugs? Perhaps you know someone who has been on antipsychotics. More and more children are being prescribed anti-depressants, and you have to wonder: what are the consequences of drugging an entire generation of our youth?

8 06, 2014

139: Dr. John La Puma, Physician-Chef & Men’s Health Expert

Did you know that heart disease, diabetes, back pain, arthritis, and muscle weakness plague 75% of men over age 35? Men typically die a full 5 years younger than women and develop cancer more frequently as well. Why? When it comes to weight...

25 05, 2014

137: Ty Bollinger, Cancer Researcher & Alternative Cure Advocate

Ever wonder if you might get cancer? 1 out of 2 men and 1 out of 3 women will. Perhaps you or a loved one already has cancer and you’re wondering what to do next. Medical experts and researchers are discovering more and more alternative treatments, and the evidence suggests that cancer might be a defeated foe. Every few seconds, someone is diagnosed with cancer, and every few seconds, another person dies from cancer. It doesn’t have to be this way...

2 03, 2014

126: Dr. David Perlmutter, Author, Health Researcher, & Low Carb Advocate

Our guest is Dr. David Perlmutter, and he, along with many other scientists across the globe, have concluded that the consumption of carbohydrates (especially sugar and gluten-containing carbs such as wheat) have a direct relationship with conditions such as heart disease, chronic inflammation, and brain disorders such as bi-polar disorder, clinical depression, dementia, and even Alzheimer’s.

2 02, 2014

122: Ty Bollinger, Author, Cancer Researcher, & Health Freedom Avocate

Do you know someone who has cancer? Perhaps a friend or relative died after battling this horrible disease. Cancer doesn’t seem to make sense – it can affect the young as well as the old. It strikes people down in the prime of their lives. And no one knows how to cure it – or [...]

10 11, 2013

111: Tom Earnshaw, Organic & Sustainable “Outlaw Farmer” and Educator

Are you tired of genetically-altered, chemically-grown fruits and vegetables? Do you and your family want to start eating healthier, but just don’t know where to start? There’s a lot of misinformation about proper diet and health practices. Different fad diets and food myths come and go, and you might be wondering what you can do [...]

27 10, 2013

109: Mary Tocco, Vaccine Educator, Parental Rights Advocate, and Holistic Health Researcher

What is going on with our children? Why are our kids contracting disorders and illnesses that were virtually unheard of just a generation ago? While some claim that we’re only now hearing about these things because of better diagnosis, the evidence clearly shows that our children are suffering from higher rates of allergies, attention disorders, [...]

25 05, 2011

Teresa Recommends…

Austin Area Residents- Don't Miss This Exciting Event Cornucopia Presents: Organic lifestyle superstar, author, and environmental entrepreneur DAVID WOLFE. David Wolfe presents information that is immediately applicable by, and useful for, beginners, body workers, nutrition students, medical doctors, naturopathic doctors, yogis & yoginis, mothers & fathers seeking health information for themselves and their children, longevity [...]

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