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14 10, 2019

420: Solar Energy Socialpreneur, Rush Waghorne

The solar industry is changing for the better. Just as Uber revolutionized travel and cryptocurrency revolutionized currency, there is a new way to do solar energy. Society is so tied down to the electrical grid and dependent for their energy – but there is a way to unplug with literally zero out of pocket.

7 10, 2019

419: Renowned Economist Dr. Robert Murphy

The fact is, the system is set up to rob us of our spending power, so that we are always dependent on the banks and whatever Wall Street happens to be doing at the moment. And the Bank-On-Yourself method, following the Infinite Banking concept, just sidesteps all of this and puts the power back in our hands.

16 09, 2019

416: Market Strategist, Lance Roberts

Most Americans have the wrong idea about investing and retirement funds, and today’s talk goes through all the nuts and bolts of what you need to know. There are a ton of specific facts and figures in this episode.

2 09, 2019

414: Data Scientist Turned Real Estate Investor, Neal Bawa

Real estate investing is highly risky, and most people just can’t make it work. But today’s guest has built a real estate empire by applying his background as a data scientist. His method for selecting properties is something you’ve probably never heard of before. And surprisingly, it’s extremely simple.

12 08, 2019

411: Mortgage Expert, Rob West

The more we dig into standard practices in the mortgage industry, the more evidence we find of fraud, theft, and deceit running rampant. And it goes on right under our noses. When you signed your mortgage at closing, that document may have been fraudulent without your even knowing it.

5 08, 2019

410: Retirement Planning Strategist, Rick Onorato

Regular listeners will be surprised in this interview to hear about a rather unique retirement investment tool built around a 401k. That’s right, a 401k! You’re likely not familiar with a variation on the traditional 401k that allows much more flexibility, higher contribution levels, much greater tax deductions, and a vehicle for building real retirement wealth.

22 07, 2019

408: Line of Credit Webinar Replay

Teresa recently sat down with fellow Bank On Yourself advisor, Kristin Colca, for another Living Wealthy Financial webinar - this one for a stunning reality check on lines of credit.

8 07, 2019

406: Homeownership Myths Webinar Replay

Teresa recently sat down with fellow Bank On Yourself advisor, Kristin Colca, for a Living Wealthy Financial webinar. The goal was to discuss the many misconceptions and myths surrounding homeownership.

1 07, 2019

405: Real Estate Asset Protection Expert, Scott Smith

Today’s interview gets right down to brass tacks to help you lock up your investment assets and protect them from litigation. You might want to take notes, because this conversation covered a lot of territory and reveals specific techniques and tools used by big real estate investors.

15 04, 2019

394: Market Strategist, Lance Roberts

Most Americans have the wrong idea about investing and retirement funds, and today’s talk goes through all the nuts and bolts of what you need to know. There are a ton of specific facts and figures in this episode.

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