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11 12, 2017

324: Surgeon Who Cured Cancer Naturally, Dr. Lorraine Day

Have you or someone you know ever struggled with cancer? What would you do? Many choose to do absolutely nothing, believing the so-called “treatments” are worse than the disease. Others go through surgery, radiation, or chemo, and sometimes they beat it – for a while. But often the cancer comes back. And even if it doesn’t, the so-called “treatments” cause lasting harm to their body in the process. But what if there were a better way to handle disease? What if you could improve your health and longevity naturally?

30 10, 2017

318: Cup O’ Protein Coffee Inventor, Toby Sanchez

Are you interested in fitness and healthy breakfast alternatives? Do you hit the ground running each day and have to rely on cold protein shakes or try to make your morning work with just a cup of coffee? What if you could ditch the protein shakes and breakfast bars and replace them with something healthy and filling on the go?

16 10, 2017

316: T-Tapp Workout Founder, Teresa Tapp

Have you been trying to lose a few pounds but can’t seem to get the momentum going? Are you frustrated by a slowing metabolism, your body type, or conflicting diet tips? Staying fit and healthy is an important aspect of a balanced and fulfilled life. But not everyone has the time or discipline for long, strenuous workouts. What can you do to get back in shape or tone up?

21 08, 2017

308: Surgeon Who Cured Cancer Naturally, Dr. Lorraine Day

Have you or someone you know ever struggled with cancer? What would you do? Many choose to do absolutely nothing, believing the so-called “treatments” are worse than the disease. Others go through surgery, radiation, or chemo, and sometimes they beat it – for a while. But often the cancer comes back. And even if it doesn’t, the so-called “treatments” cause lasting harm to their body in the process. But what if there were a better way to handle disease? What if you could improve your health and longevity naturally?

7 08, 2017

306: T-Tapp Workout Founder, Teresa Tapp

Have you been trying to lose a few pounds but can’t seem to get the momentum going? Are you frustrated by a slowing metabolism, your body type, or conflicting diet tips? Staying fit and healthy is an important aspect of a balanced and fulfilled life. But not everyone has the time or discipline for long, strenuous workouts. What can you do to get back in shape or tone up?

10 07, 2017

302: Organic Skincare Advocate, Wendi Sudhakar

Have you ever stopped to think about what you put on your skin? What sort of chemicals are being absorbed by your skin from your cosmetics, skincare products, and soaps? The average American carries about 200 toxins in their body. How does this affect our health and wellbeing?

22 05, 2017

295: Health & Performance Expert, Dr. Matthew Accurso

Do you have plenty of energy to get through your day and accomplish your goals every week? Do you look and feel as vibrant and healthy as you did ten years ago? Most people would probably say no. Productivity, energy levels, and vibrancy seem to decline the older we get – but does it have to be that way? Can we look and feel energized and vibrant throughout our lifespans?

3 04, 2017

288: Jason Havey, Mental Wellness Expert

Are you health conscious? Taking care of your body is important, but there’s more to health than just that. What about your mind? Do you ever wish you had more clarity of purpose, mental tenacity, or emotional peace?

13 02, 2017

281: Health & Performance Expert, Dr. Matthew Accurso

Do you have plenty of energy to get through your day and accomplish your goals every week? Do you look and feel as vibrant and healthy as you did ten years ago? Most people would probably say no. Productivity, energy levels, and vibrancy seem to decline the older we get – but does it have to be that way? Can we look and feel energized and vibrant throughout our lifespans?

16 01, 2017

276: Dr. Matthew Buckley, Naturopath

Do you know someone with autism? Chances are, you do. It’s common knowledge now that autism rates have skyrocketed in the past generation. But there is considerable debate as to what causes autism. Could it be the vaccines? What if diet could also be a contributing factor? What if many of the neurodegenerative conditions inflicting our society are diet related? What if even health-conscious...

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