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20 08, 2018

360: Dr. Ron Paul on Future of Liberty

Do you believe this country is changing for the better? Or are we facing darker days? Are political winds shifting and bringing about much-needed reform? Or can we expect more of the same going forward? Many experts predict a looming collapse coming soon – and there are wars and rumors of wars on the horizon. What is going on in our crazy world? And what can we do to remedy it?

16 07, 2018

355: Market Trends Forecaster, Kevin Massengill

What if you could see into the future? What if your investment strategy relied on advance knowledge of how world markets and business trends would play out? Well, it may sound like science fiction, but one team is making it a reality.

11 06, 2018

350: Nelson Nash, Infinite Banking Visionary (Part2)

Are you frustrated with financial system in this country and looking for alternatives? Do you sometimes wonder how the central banking establishment came about in this country, and what you can do to regain a measure of control and freedom in your finances?

4 06, 2018

349: Nelson Nash, Infinite Banking Visionary (Part1)

Have you ever gotten a loan for something and cringed over how much money you were pouring down the drain as interest payments? Have you ever tried to get financing for a home or other major expense only to find an endless cycle of hurdles and obstacles? More and more people are realizing the centralized financial system in this country doesn't work for them. But what can we do about it? Is it possible to opt out of the banking system entirely?

23 04, 2018

343: Market Trends Forecaster, Kevin Massengill

What if you could see into the future? What if your investment strategy relied on advance knowledge of how world markets and business trends would play out? Well, it may sound like science fiction, but one team is making it a reality.

2 04, 2018

340: Dr. Ron Paul on Future of Liberty

Do you believe this country is changing for the better? Or are we facing darker days? Are political winds shifting and bringing about much-needed reform? Or can we expect more of the same going forward? Many experts predict a looming collapse coming soon – and there are wars and rumors of wars on the horizon. What is going on in our crazy world? And what can we do to remedy it?

15 01, 2018

329: Nelson Nash, Infinite Banking Visionary (Part2)

Are you frustrated with financial system in this country and looking for alternatives? Do you sometimes wonder how the central banking establishment came about in this country, and what you can do to regain a measure of control and freedom in your finances?

8 01, 2018

328: Nelson Nash, Infinite Banking Visionary (Part1)

Have you ever gotten a loan for something and cringed over how much money you were pouring down the drain as interest payments? Have you ever tried to get financing for a home or other major expense only to find an endless cycle of hurdles and obstacles? More and more people are realizing the centralized financial system in this country doesn't work for them. But what can we do about it? Is it possible to opt out of the banking system entirely?

27 11, 2017

322: Financial Planner, Adam Taggart

Do you struggle to get ahead, but it seems like you never can? Do you sometimes wonder why the cost of living is so high and prices just keep climbing? Is “middle class” now starting to feel the same as lower class? Whatever your income, are you having to work harder and harder to just stay in the same place? What’s going on? Who is to blame, and what can we do about it?

25 09, 2017

313: Nelson Nash, Infinite Banking Visionary (Part2)

Are you frustrated with financial system in this country and looking for alternatives? Do you sometimes wonder how the central banking establishment came about in this country, and what you can do to regain a measure of control and freedom in your finances?

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