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1812, 2011

17: Ken Kuznia from DigYourWork

December 18th, 2011|

We would like to ask our listeners a question: Do you EVER look forward to Monday morning? Of course not! But, would you like to? In today's show, Ken Kuznia, founder of DigYourWork and president [...]

1112, 2011

16: Money Myths

December 11th, 2011|

For today's show, we decided to put Teresa in the hot seat, and let Tammy DeLeeuw interview her about what she’s discovered about how money really works and how a Bank on Yourself policy can [...]

2711, 2011

15: College Funding Expert Marvin Bulas

November 27th, 2011|

We all want to see our children go to the school of their choice to pursue their goals and dreams. However, with tuition hikes causing many families going into tremendous amounts of debt, funding a [...]

2011, 2011

14: Neuropersuasion Expert Jim Fortin

November 20th, 2011|

Did you know that even the worst salesperson is selling something 24/7? It's true! Whether we are selling ourselves to our significant others, our morals to our children, or our value to our boss- we [...]

1311, 2011

13: Ken Kuznia from DigYourWork

November 13th, 2011|

We would like to ask our listeners a question: Do you EVER look forward to Monday morning? Of course not! But, would you like to? In today's show, Ken Kuznia, founder of DigYourWork and president [...]

611, 2011

12: Health & Wellness Advocate Harvey Diamond

November 6th, 2011|

In today's show, Teresa interviews Harvey Diamond, health and wellness advocate and author of the recently published book, "Living Without Pain". Living wealthy is about more than money, health plays a very important role in [...]

2310, 2011

11: Pamela Yellen, Author of the New York Times Best Selling Novel, “Bank on Yourself”

October 23rd, 2011|

We have a very special show today! Teresa interviews her mentor, author of the New York Times Best Selling novel, ‘Bank on Yourself’, Pamela Yellen. Pamela and her husband spent years researching ways to invest [...]

1610, 2011

October 16th Show: Master Sales Trainer Eric Lofholm

October 16th, 2011|

Teresa interviews Eric Lofholm, Master Sales Trainer and President & CEO of Eric Lofholm International Inc, on how one can use sales and persuasion techniques to improve your relationships with your employees, employers, spouse, partners, [...]

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