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405, 2014
134: Dr. Laura Pressley, Technology Expert & Smart Meter Opponent
Our guest, Dr. Laura Pressley, is a technology expert with regard to semiconductor devices. She developed the first Smart Meter Opt Out Program in Texas – and she is going to help us better understand the dangers of RF and Microwave radiation that we are all exposed to from these meters and specifically what we can do for our health and safety.
604, 2014
130: Pamela Yellen, Best-Selling Author and Investment Advisor
Every evening you watch the financial gurus on TV to get the top of the hour tips on how to make it big gambling on Wall Street, and yet instead of stellar returns in your 401k, mutual funds, and
3003, 2014
129: Chuck Baldwin, Pastor, Presidential Candidate, & Constitutional Champion
Do you long for the “good old days” when America seemed a bit more free? Do you wonder where we went wrong and what it would take to get us back on the right path? Maybe you’ve put your