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151: Robyn O’Brien, Author & GMO Whistleblower
Do you or someone you know have children with food allergies? Have you ever wondered why food allergies seem to be so much more common now than just a few years ago? Why does the US...
150: Charlotte Iserbyt, Common Core Whistleblower & Former Dept. of Education Advisor
Do you have concerns about Common Core? Have you seen some of the bizarre material contained in this new educational system? Is Common Core really a mechanism to dumb down our children and remove the discretion of the local school board from the equation? What can we do about this?
149: Damion Lupo, Author & Reinvention Expert
What if you could drastically change the direction of your life or even reinvent your life? That's right. Totally reinvent your life completely. One year from today, if you could wave a magic wand and have a completely new life, what would it look like? Who would...
148: Business Exit Specialist, Heath Frantzen & Business Attorney, Mark Torok
Experts tell us that HALF of all Baby Boomer business owners want to exit their businesses in the next 5 years, and 75% over the next 10 years. The numbers are staggering. Between 7 million and 12 million businesses will need to be exited over the next 20 years. The problem? There are only about 24,000 sold each year. The solution is...
146: KrisAnne Hall, Author, Radio Host, & Constitutional Champion
Is the Constitution outdated for our times? What do YOU think – do terms like states rights, nullification, civil liberties, or unconstitutional really have a place in our modern society? The advance of technology and new threats like terrorism have led some to argue that our times call for new and different policies and approaches. But on the other hand...
145: Dr. Win Wenger, Lecturer, Author, & Educational Pioneer
Have you ever walked into a room only to forget why you went into that room? Have you ever thought to yourself, “I’m smart, but I’m no Einstein?” Think about how your life might be different if you could increase your brain power by just 5%. What if you could increase your IQ by several points or become a better problem solver? Well, guess what...