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211, 2014

160: Dr. Bruce Alexander, Author & Addiction Expert

November 2nd, 2014|

What do you think causes addiction? Is the war on drugs failing to address the root of habitual drug use? Conventional wisdom is that the chemicals in drugs work on the mind to make it nearly impossible for drug users to resist the temptation – and this has led to the mainstream idea that we should fight drugs with government bans or that we should treat users medicinally. But what if the problem is more complex than that...

2610, 2014

159: Bank On Yourself Advisors, Teresa Kuhn & Kristin Colca

October 26th, 2014|

Ever wondered what all the buzz was all about concerning Living Wealthy Financial and Bank On Yourself? Perhaps you're a long-time listener to Living Wealthy Radio and are wondering just how a BOY plan could benefit your finances...

1910, 2014

158: Jon Dault, College Planning Financial Consultant

October 19th, 2014|

Do you sometimes wonder how you will ever be able to afford college for your children? Or maybe you want to go back to school, but just don’t see it in the cards. The cost of a college education is rising rapidly, and many people are at a loss as to how they will ever be able to put their children through college when the time comes or be able to afford it for themselves...

1210, 2014

157: Dr. Renee Tocco Hunter, Physician & Chronic Illness Expert

October 12th, 2014|

Have you noticed the dramatic increase in health problems among our youth in recent years? Do you ever wonder what you can do to protect your children or grandchildren? For starters, it’s time we acknowledge that there is a real problem. The US has the second highest infant mortality rate in the developed world. Over 13% of kids have developmental disabilities. And food allergies and childhood obesity are skyrocketing! Why? What’s going on?

510, 2014

156: Dr. Richard O’Connor, Depression Psychotherapist & Author

October 5th, 2014|

Do you or someone you know sometimes struggle with depression? Do you ever find yourself worried about the smallest things or always defaulting to negativity and gloomy expectations? If so, you’re not alone. When news recently broke of the suicide of actor and comedian, Robin Williams, many asked how someone who spent so much time making us laugh could be chronically depressed. But the danger of this illness is...

2809, 2014

155: Rita Emmett, Author & Stress-Reduction Expert

September 28th, 2014|

Do you sometimes find yourself stressed out and feeling overwhelmed? Many Americans are becoming more and more stressed and suffer anxiety and burnout. Do you sometimes think you should just quit your job or end a relationship that has you frazzled? Why must we be so stressed out? Is this just who you are, or is there something you can do to actually change this?

2109, 2014

154: Pamela Yellen, Best-Selling Author & Investment Advisor

September 21st, 2014|

Every evening you watch the financial gurus on TV to get the top of the hour tips on how to make it big gambling on Wall Street, and yet instead of stellar returns in your 401k, mutual funds, and...

1409, 2014

153: David Greene, Educator & Experiental Learning Advocate

September 14th, 2014|

Who controls today’s conversation about what education should be in the classroom? Bill Gates? The media? Politicians? Why? What about the teachers? Where is their voice? Social experiments and assumptions aside, shouldn’t we follow the models implemented by the successful teachers who inspire, train, and motivate our children? With one-size-fits-all models like Common Core being thrust upon us and our kids...

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