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2812, 2014

168: Bank On Yourself Advisors, Teresa Kuhn & Kristin Colca

December 28th, 2014|

Ever wondered what all the buzz was all about concerning Living Wealthy Financial and Bank On Yourself? Perhaps you're a long-time listener to Living Wealthy Radio and are wondering just how a BOY plan could benefit your finances...

2112, 2014

167: Dr. Laura Pressley, Technology Expert & Smart Meter Opponent

December 21st, 2014|

Our guest, Dr. Laura Pressley, is a technology expert with regard to semiconductor devices. She developed the first Smart Meter Opt Out Program in Texas – and she is going to help us better understand the dangers of RF and Microwave radiation that we are all exposed to from these meters and specifically what we can do for our health and safety...

1412, 2014

166: Chris Hill, Financial Advisor & Death Planning Consultant

December 14th, 2014|

Are you adequately prepared for your eventual passing from this world? An unpleasant question, but one that we should all be able to answer. A recent survey from a Washington Post article revealed that over 90% of people believe it is a good idea to pre-plan and pre-pay their funeral arrangements, but less than 10% have actually had "the conversation" or begun any form of planning!

712, 2014

165: Chris Hill, Financial Advisor & Death Planning Consultant

December 7th, 2014|

Are you adequately prepared for your eventual passing from this world? An unpleasant question, but one that we should all be able to answer. A recent survey from a Washington Post article revealed that over 90% of people believe it is a good idea to pre-plan and pre-pay their funeral arrangements, but less than 10% have actually had "the conversation" or begun any form of planning!

3011, 2014

164: Dr. Jim Harris, Speaker, Consultant, & Success Coach

November 30th, 2014|

Do you sometimes feel like you’re just spinning your wheels and not making a significant impact with your life, whether at work or in your relationships? Do you ever wonder what it would take to have more of an influence with your friends and loved ones or to really get somewhere in your career?

2311, 2014

163: Business Exit Specialist, Heath Frantzen & Business Attorney, Mark Torok

November 23rd, 2014|

Experts tell us that HALF of all Baby Boomer business owners want to exit their businesses in the next 5 years, and 75% over the next 10 years. The numbers are staggering. Between 7 million and 12 million businesses will need to be exited over the next 20 years. The problem? There are only about 24,000 sold each year. The solution is...

1611, 2014

162: Damion Lupo, Author & Reinvention Expert

November 16th, 2014|

What if you could drastically change the direction of your life or even reinvent your life? That's right. Totally reinvent your life completely. One year from today, if you could wave a magic wand and have a completely new life, what would it look like? Who would...

911, 2014

161: Nelson Nash, Author, Lecturer, & Infinite Banking Creator

November 9th, 2014|

Have you ever been turned down for a loan? Maybe you found your dream home, but the banks weren’t willing to play ball. Maybe you want to get into investing, but don’t know where to start. Perhaps you have children who will soon be college age, but you don’t know how you can afford to put them through school? What if it didn’t have to be this way? What if you could recover the interest...

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