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2202, 2015

176: Dr. John Apsley, Author, Physician, & Regenerative Medicine Researcher

February 22nd, 2015|

Have you ever lost a loved one to disease? Do you know someone with cancer or a terminal illness? Why is it considered normal to die of a heart attack or cancer these days? Why is 1 in 50 children autistic? Why are disease and illness the norm? Surely this isn’t the way it’s supposed to be. What if our bodies had everything they needed to heal themselves? What if...

1502, 2015

175: Mary Tocco, Vaccine Educator & Holistic Health Researcher

February 15th, 2015|

What is going on with our children? Why are our kids contracting disorders and illnesses that were virtually unheard of just a generation ago? The medical establishment claims autism is largely a genetic problem, but others cite directly proportional rates of increase for both autism and child vaccinations to argue that it is actually the vaccines that are to blame.

802, 2015

174: Jon Dault, College Planning Financial Consultant

February 8th, 2015|

Do you sometimes wonder how you will ever be able to afford college for your children? Or maybe you want to go back to school, but just don’t see it in the cards. The cost of a college education is rising rapidly, and many people are at a loss as to how they will ever be able to put their children through college when the time comes or be able to afford it for themselves...

102, 2015

173: Harry Dent, Economist, Market Researcher, & Trends Forecaster

February 1st, 2015|

Our guest, economist Harry Dent, is using demographics to predict major economic events decades ahead of time, and his research can help you save money and invest wisely. He successfully predicted the boom and bust cycle we recently came through utilizing the same demographics information and statistics that marketers and insurance professionals use to maximize their business. He has a rather surprising outlook for the next few years and offers a unique perspective on how to...

2601, 2015

172: Charlotte Iserbyt, Common Core Whistleblower & Former Dept. of Education Advisor

January 26th, 2015|

Do you have concerns about Common Core? Have you seen some of the bizarre material contained in this new educational system? Is Common Core really a mechanism to dumb down our children and remove the discretion of the local school board from the equation? What can we do about this?

1801, 2015

171: Dr. Tracey Wilen, Global Speaker & Author on 21st-Century Career Trends

January 18th, 2015|

When was the last time you paused to think about where you’re at in your career? Are you happy with your skills, networks, and current job? Maybe you’re looking for a job, and you just can’t catch a break. Perhaps you’re stuck in a job that’s going nowhere and you feel like you’re spinning your wheels. Many are realizing that the 21st-century job market is not...

1101, 2015

170: Damion Lupo, Author & Reinvention Expert

January 11th, 2015|

What if you could drastically change the direction of your life or even reinvent your life? That's right. Totally reinvent your life completely. One year from today, if you could wave a magic wand and have a completely new life, what would it look like? Who would...

401, 2015

169: Dr. John La Puma, Physician-Chef & Men’s Health Expert

January 4th, 2015|

Did you know that heart disease, diabetes, back pain, arthritis, and muscle weakness plague 75% of men over age 35? Men typically die a full 5 years younger than women and develop cancer more frequently as well. Why? When it comes to weight...

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