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184: Lenore Skenazy, Free-Range Parenting Advocate
Do you ever wish for the “good ol’ days” when your kids could play outside unsupervised or ride a bike down the road to their friend’s house? Well, what if these ARE the “good ol’ days?” What if your children aren’t in as much danger as you think? What if they are capable of more responsibility than you realize? What if you could have more peace of mind about the safety and development of your children?
183: Stefanie O’Connell, Actress & Thrifty-Living Author
Do you sit down to pay the bills and wonder where all your money is going? Does it sometimes seem like there is never enough to get to where you want to go? Maybe there’s a secret to all this...
182: Robyn O’Brien, Author & GMO Whistleblower
Do you or someone you know have children with food allergies? Have you ever wondered why food allergies seem to be so much more common now than just a few years ago? What is wrong with our food supply, and how can we protect our health and the health of our families?
181: Joanne Naughton, Former Cop & Drug Legalization Advocate
Do you think the War on Drugs is working? Or is it time to re-think the issue? Does locking up people who do drugs solve the problem, or does it just make the problem worse? Maybe someone you know has a drug addiction problem – is government intervention the best cure for them? Is jail time..
180: Allen Hamm, Long Term Care Planner
Long-term care may not be the most interesting of topics, but most of us will be faced with the issue sooner or later. Unfortunately, many Americans are simply not prepared for the mountain of medical bills and the cost of assisted living that are so commonly associated with aging. And those who have made some effort to prepare for long-term care have not necessarily chosen the most secure methods...
179: Dr. Srikumar Rao, Author & Empowerment Coach
Do you have a nagging sense that, somehow, time is slipping by and you’ve accomplished only a fraction of what you are capable of? Perhaps your job isn’t what you thought it would be or you’re just not progressing in your career the way you would like. Is there an undercurrent of stress in your life? Dr. Srikumar Rao, is a professor and founder of the Rao Institute, a program focused on empowering entrepreneurs and professionals become more creative and find fulfillment in true success...
178: Nick Dranias, Attorney & Article V Convention Advocate
Did you know the current national debt is over 18 trillion dollars? In case you’re wondering, that’s about 150 thousand dollars per taxpayer! How in the world is that sustainable? And what would it mean for us if the US had to default on such a staggering mountain of debt? And most importantly, how do we change this?