Topic: All
192: Dr. Srikumar Rao, Author & Empowerment Coach
Do you have a nagging sense that, somehow, time is slipping by and you’ve accomplished only a fraction of what you are capable of? Perhaps your job isn’t what you thought it would be or you’re just not progressing in your career the way you would like. Is there an undercurrent of stress in your life? Dr. Srikumar Rao, is a professor and founder of the Rao Institute, a program focused on empowering entrepreneurs and professionals become more creative and find fulfillment in true success...
191: Dr. Laura Pressley, Technology Expert & Smart Meter Opponent
Our guest, Dr. Laura Pressley, is a technology expert with regard to semiconductor devices. She developed the first Smart Meter Opt Out Program in Texas – and she is going to help us better understand the dangers of RF and Microwave radiation that we are all exposed to from these meters and specifically what we can do for our health and safety...
190: Allen Hamm, Long Term Care Planner
Long-term care may not be the most interesting of topics, but most of us will be faced with the issue sooner or later. Unfortunately, many Americans are simply not prepared for the mountain of medical bills and the cost of assisted living that are so commonly associated with aging. And those who have made some effort to prepare for long-term care have not necessarily chosen the most secure methods...
189: Dr. Jim Harris, Speaker, Consultant, & Success Coach
Do you sometimes feel like you’re just spinning your wheels and not making a significant impact with your life, whether at work or in your relationships? Do you ever wonder what it would take to have more of an influence with your friends and loved ones or to really get somewhere in your career
188: Dr. John Apsley, Physician & Regenerative Medicine Researcher
Have you ever lost a loved one to disease? Do you know someone with cancer or a terminal illness? Why is it considered normal to die of a heart attack or cancer these days? Why is 1 in 50 children autistic? Why are disease and illness the norm? Surely this isn’t the way it’s supposed to be. What if our bodies had everything they needed to heal themselves? What if...
186: Marilu Henner, Actress & Beauty Expert
When was the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror and said YES, I’m happy with what I see? Do you struggle with dieting and weight-loss goals or perhaps feel like you’ll just never have the looks you had in your 20s? Or maybe you’re in your 20s and feel like you just don’t know which health & beauty tips to follow and which ones to ignore...