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199: Robyn O’Brien, Author & GMO Whistleblower
Do you or someone you know have children with food allergies? Have you ever wondered why food allergies seem to be so much more common now than just a few years ago? What is wrong with our food supply, and how can we protect our health and the health of our families?
198: Lenore Skenazy, Free-Range Parenting Advocate
Do you ever wish for the “good ol’ days” when your kids could play outside unsupervised or ride a bike down the road to their friend’s house? Well, what if these ARE the “good ol’ days?” What if your children aren’t in as much danger as you think? What if they are capable of more responsibility than you realize? What if you could have more peace of mind...
196: Gary Null, the ‘Ralph Nader’ of Health
Do you have concerns about your health or the health of your family? Do you find yourself confused by the back-and-forth in the media about what causes disease? Do you ever get scared when thinking about the staggering rise in cancer and chronic illness in just the past couple decades? What’s the answer?
195: Jay Papasan, Bestselling Author & Success Speaker
Do you need fewer distractions and less stress in your life? Do the constant text messages, emails, meetings, and tweets leave you overwhelmed? The demands of our modern lifestyle are wearing us down and taking a toll on us. Maybe you’re not as successful as you would like to be, making as much money as you want to make, or as focused as you would like to be. So what’s the answer?
194: Stever Robbins, Author, ‘Extraordinary Life’ Coach
Do you sometimes wish your life was more interesting, exciting, or productive? Do you sometimes set goals only to fall short of meeting them? How about your job or your circle of friends? Do you think about changing careers or...
193: Dr. Walter Williams, Professor & Author
We in America love freedom, liberty, and self-government…right? So why does it seem that this country is always edging closer and closer to tyranny and away from liberty? If we cherish liberty so much and really do believe in limited government, why is the size of government larger than it’s ever been in our 200+ years?