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1801, 2016

224: Jeff Seibert, Dentist & Serial Entrepreneur

January 18th, 2016|

Do you have a dream of opening a business but don’t know if you have what it takes? Do you ever consider going back to school to get your dream job? Or maybe you’ve tried starting a business only to get burned. What’s the answer? How can you achieve the success you want...

1101, 2016

223: Giovanni Marsico, Superhero Facilitator

January 11th, 2016|

Are you an entrepreneur? Do you want more out of life than just a paycheck? Maybe you’ve realized the 9 to 5 scene chasing the almighty dollar isn’t enough for you. Many entrepreneurs are looking for more out of their career than just paying the bills – they want to inspire and empower others along the way. If you’re one of those people looking for deeper meaning, today’s show is just for you.

401, 2016

222: Susan Fowler, Motivation Expert

January 4th, 2016|

Have you ever wanted to know the best way to motivate someone? Motivation is a hot topic in corporate leadership, relationship coaching, and just about every area of life. It’s seen as the ultimate skill to have for boosting sales, influencing people in your network, and getting what you want out of life. But what’s the secret?

2812, 2015

221: Dr. Matthew Buckley, Naturopath

December 28th, 2015|

Do you know someone with autism? Chances are, you do. It’s common knowledge now that autism rates have skyrocketed in the past generation. But there is considerable debate as to what causes autism. Could it be the vaccines? That’s a possibility many have already explored. But what if diet could also be a contributing factor? What if many of the neurodegenerative conditions inflicting our society are diet related? What if even health-conscious..

2112, 2015

220: Ryan Fowler, Financial Strategist

December 21st, 2015|

The economy is once again slowing down and some experts are predicting a serious downturn in the near future. Are your assets ready to weather the storm? What if you’re hit by your very own personal financial storm, such as a lawsuit, a liability issue, or a serious medical emergency? Are your assets safe, or...

1412, 2015

219: Dr. Walter Williams, Professor & Economist

December 14th, 2015|

We in America love freedom, liberty, and self-government…right? So why does it seem that this country is always edging closer and closer to tyranny and away from liberty? If we cherish liberty so much and really do believe in limited government, why is the size of government larger than it’s ever been in our 200+ years?

712, 2015

218: Alternative Health MD, Dr. Robert Rowen

December 7th, 2015|

Do you wonder why so many people you know and love are sick or even dying from disease and chronic illness? Is this just the way life is? Why does it seem that traditional treatments and pharmaceuticals don’t do much in the way of actually healing people? What about alternative medicine? Is there a chance that...

3011, 2015

217: Stever Robbins, Author, ‘Extraordinary Life’ Coach

November 30th, 2015|

Do you sometimes wish your life was more interesting, exciting, or productive? Do you sometimes set goals only to fall short of meeting them? How about your job or your circle of friends? Do you think about changing careers or...

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