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407, 2016

248: Alternative Health MD, Dr. Robert Rowen

July 4th, 2016|

Do you wonder why so many people you know and love are sick or even dying from disease and chronic illness? Is this just the way life is? Why does it seem that traditional treatments and pharmaceuticals don’t do much in the way of actually healing people? What about alternative medicine? Is there a chance that...

2706, 2016

247: Stever Robbins, Author, ‘Extraordinary Life’ Coach

June 27th, 2016|

Do you sometimes wish your life was more interesting, exciting, or productive? Do you sometimes set goals only to fall short of meeting them? How about your job or your circle of friends? Do you think about changing careers or...

2006, 2016

246: Dr. Mark Thornton, Austrian Economist & Author

June 20th, 2016|

Why do we have recessions and depressions? Why does our money always seem to buy less and less? Why is unemployment so rampant? Dr. Mark Thornton, a senior fellow at the Mises Institute explains why our economy is broke, and how Austrian economics is the solution...

1306, 2016

245: Dr. John La Puma, Men’s Health Physician-Chef

June 13th, 2016|

Did you know that heart disease, diabetes, back pain, arthritis, and muscle weakness plague 75% of men over age 35? Men typically die a full 5 years younger than women and develop cancer more frequently as well. Why? When it comes to weight...

606, 2016

244: Tony Lillios, Living the Entrepreneurial Dream

June 6th, 2016|

Do you find yourself wondering what your next big idea should be or how you can take your business to the next level? Maybe you sometimes wonder about how you should prioritize your life and what goals you should set for your career. Are you missing something?

3005, 2016

243: Brian Scrone, Harmonizing Career & Family

May 30th, 2016|

Can you have a thriving career and meaningful relationships with your loved ones? Do success and greatness come from hard work? Or is that only part of the story? Could it be that fulfillment and happiness come from harmonizing your investment in your family with your investment in yourself?

2305, 2016

242: Dr. Matthew Buckley, Naturopath

May 23rd, 2016|

Do you know someone with autism? Chances are, you do. It’s common knowledge now that autism rates have skyrocketed in the past generation. But there is considerable debate as to what causes autism. Could it be the vaccines? That’s a possibility many have already explored. But what if diet could also be a contributing factor? What if many of the neurodegenerative conditions inflicting our society are diet related? What if even health-conscious...

1605, 2016

241: Jeff Seibert, Dentist & Serial Entrepreneur

May 16th, 2016|

Do you have a dream of opening a business but don’t know if you have what it takes? Do you ever consider going back to school to get your dream job? Or maybe you’ve tried starting a business only to get burned. What’s the answer? How can you achieve the success you want...

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