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272: Jim Sheils, Family & Finances Speaker
Do you sometimes feel like you’re just running on the hamster wheel, trying to climb the corporate ladder, without achieving fulfillment and harmony in your life? So many professionals are so focused on their financial endeavors that they miss out on a truly balanced and meaningful life rich in friends and family...
271: Health & Performance Expert, Dr. Matthew Accurso
Do you have plenty of energy to get through your day and accomplish your goals every week? Do you look and feel as vibrant and healthy as you did ten years ago? Most people would probably say no. Productivity, energy levels, and vibrancy seem to decline the older we get – but does it have to be that way? Can we look and feel energized and vibrant throughout our lifespans?
270: Organic Skincare Advocate, Wendi Sudhakar
Have you ever stopped to think about what you put on your skin? What sort of chemicals are being absorbed by your skin from your cosmetics, skincare products, and soaps? The average American carries about 200 toxins in their body. How does this affect our health and wellbeing?
269: Larry Smith, Affordable Legal Help Expert
Whether it’s to get the right licenses for starting a small business, to get help with a will, to sort out a problem with the IRS, or to deal with a lawsuit, the chances are you will have to speak with an attorney for some reason. The problem is, the price just to ask a few questions can be staggering...
268: Austrian Economist & Author, Dr. Mark Thornton
Why do we have recessions and depressions? Why does our money always seem to buy less and less? Why is unemployment so rampant? Dr. Mark Thornton, a senior fellow at the Mises Institute explains why our economy is broke, and how Austrian economics is the solution...
267: Reagan Official & Liberty Advocate, Paul Craig Roberts
Do you believe the United States is still the freest country in the world? In spite of our problems, is this nation still on the right track overall? Or are you concerned by the erosion of civil liberties in recent years? Is this something we can correct by voting better, or could the situation be far more serious?
266: Larunce Pipkin, Author & Success Coach
Are you tired of never getting ahead or not being able to achieve your goals? Do you sometimes feel like you don’t have much control over the direction of your life? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could do whatever you could dream up? What does it take to regain control of your destiny and soar? Perhaps the answer to these questions is simple – but just out of our reach.
265: Jason Havey, Mental Wellness Expert
Are you health conscious? Taking care of your body is important, but there’s more to health than just that. What about your mind? Do you ever wish you had more clarity of purpose, mental tenacity, or emotional peace?