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602, 2017

280: Reagan Official & Liberty Advocate, Paul Craig Roberts

February 6th, 2017|

Do you believe the United States is still the freest country in the world? In spite of our problems, is this nation still on the right track overall? Or are you concerned by the erosion of civil liberties in recent years? Is this something we can correct by voting better, or could the situation be far more serious?

202, 2017

279:Teresa Kuhn has a “12-Minute Convo With Engel Jones!”

February 2nd, 2017|

Our host, Teresa Kuhn, recently had the opportunity to appear on the popular podcast, "12-Minute Convo With Engel Jones," to discuss intuition, the power of conversations, how to find inspiration in everything, and a behind-the-scenes peek into who Teresa is.

3001, 2017

278: Career & Hiring Trends Expert, Dr. Tracey Wilen

January 30th, 2017|

Developing technologies and shifting demographic trends are shaking things up. Which occupations will be in the most demand this year and next? Which skills are most important to succeed in the future? What will the job market look like in the next few years?

2301, 2017

277: College Planning Expert, Jon Dault

January 23rd, 2017|

Life is all about seasons. Perhaps your current season of life is being a parent with children – and wondering how you will be able to send them to college. When the time arrives, what will you do?

1601, 2017

276: Dr. Matthew Buckley, Naturopath

January 16th, 2017|

Do you know someone with autism? Chances are, you do. It’s common knowledge now that autism rates have skyrocketed in the past generation. But there is considerable debate as to what causes autism. Could it be the vaccines? What if diet could also be a contributing factor? What if many of the neurodegenerative conditions inflicting our society are diet related? What if even health-conscious...

901, 2017

275: Jason Havey, Mental Wellness Expert

January 9th, 2017|

Are you health conscious? Taking care of your body is important, but there’s more to health than just that. What about your mind? Do you ever wish you had more clarity of purpose, mental tenacity, or emotional peace?

201, 2017

274: Jeff Seibert, Dentist & Serial Entrepreneur

January 2nd, 2017|

Do you have a dream of opening a business but don’t know if you have what it takes? Do you ever consider going back to school to get your dream job? Or maybe you’ve tried starting a business only to get burned. What’s the answer? How can you achieve the success you want...

2612, 2016

273: Investigative Journalist, Jon Rappoport

December 26th, 2016|

Who runs the world, and what can we do about it? Have you ever wondered if the conspiracy theorists were right? What if there really are powerful people behind the curtains pulling the strings of our leaders and manipulating current events to suit their purpose? What can we do to reassert our influence and choice in our world?

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