Topic: All
424: Retirement Planning Strategist, Rick Onorato
Regular listeners will be surprised in this interview to hear about a rather unique retirement investment tool built around a 401k. That’s right, a 401k! You’re likely not familiar with a variation on the traditional 401k that allows much more flexibility, higher contribution levels, much greater tax deductions, and a vehicle for building real retirement wealth.
423: Women’s Fitness Hacker, Monica Diaz-Campbell
We live with programming and advertising and urban myths that define how we view our lives and fitness options. But we can hack all that. We can be better versions of ourselves, no matter what stage of life we are in or what kind of body or genetics we have.
422: Fun Cheap or Free Queen, Jordan Page
If you have money troubles or wish you could stretch your income just a little bit farther, you might be surprised by how simple it can be. Over half of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck with no significant savings to fall back on. But with just a few simple changes and some proactive planning, you can be thrifty and thrive at the same time.
421: Regenerative Stem Cell Expert, Dr. Kristin Comella
Our guest is Dr. Kristin Comella, Chief Science Officer with US Stem Cell. With over 20 years of experience, she is an expert in biohacking and regenerative stem cell therapy. Today, we’re discussing the fascinating world of regenerative medicine, a completely naturalistic approach to repairing the body.
420: Solar Energy Socialpreneur, Rush Waghorne
The solar industry is changing for the better. Just as Uber revolutionized travel and cryptocurrency revolutionized currency, there is a new way to do solar energy. Society is so tied down to the electrical grid and dependent for their energy – but there is a way to unplug with literally zero out of pocket.
418: Hydration Hacker, Jeff Taraday
Jeff Taraday is the co-owner of Trusii and a self-described reformed junk food addict who discovered the healing and transformative power of holistic nutrition and blending eastern & western health practices nearly a decade ago. He joins us to discuss cutting-edge solutions for fatigue, disease, weight gain, and many other problems that plague our modern society.
417: Sheila Weinberg, Govt Spending Watchdog Group Founder
Our country is headed for a real financial cliff, but we’re already beginning to feel the effects. Runaway government spending doesn’t just put our future at risk – it also hurts us here and now.