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431: Dairy-Free Living with Actress Alexandra Paul
For this episode, Tammy de Leeuw and Rachel King steal the hostess chair from Teresa. They interview activist, producer, and actress, Alexandra Paul. She began a unique podcast dedicated to showing athletes and ordinary people the extraordinary benefits of a life lived without dairy products.
430: Data Scientist Turned Real Estate Investor, Neal Bawa
Real estate investing is highly risky, and most people just can’t make it work. But today’s guest has built a real estate empire by applying his background as a data scientist. His method for selecting properties is something you’ve probably never heard of before. And surprisingly, it’s extremely simple.
429: Immaculée Ilibagiza, Rwandan Holocaust Survivor
People go through life hurting and afraid. But they have a choice – a choice to either pass along that fear and harm to others or to instead be a source of love and inspiration to others.
428: Nomad Capitalist, Andrew Henderson
Is the United States the best country to live and do business in? If you think it is, why do you think that? Could it be, we don’t objectively analyze the country we’re born into? What if there are other places that treated you better? Maybe they offer a lower corporate tax rate, better services, a friendlier culture, lower income taxes, safer investment opportunities, etc.?
427: Joe D’Aura, Medicare Specialist
This interview is all about Medicare. You probably know that something happens when you turn 65, but maybe you don’t know exactly what. So much about this government-run insurance program doesn’t make sense to most people. It’s very complicated and confusing. Well, don’t worry. We’re going to break it all down for you.
426: Networking Expert, Author, Dr. Ivan Misner
When you say yes to a relationship, it has lasting impact that goes on even after that person has moved on. This is a powerful fact that emphasizes both the negative and the positive consequences of your relationships and networks. Each person in your life is an engine or an anchor.
425: Justice System Whistleblower, Sidney Powell
We like to think our justice system is the fairest in the world – but is that actually true? Is Lady Justice blind in our country? Or do federal prosecutors actually commit perjury, doctor transcripts, and unfairly target innocent people? Why does the federal government have a 99% conviction rate if justice is a level playing field in the US?