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203, 2020

440: Regenerative Stem Cell Expert, Dr. Kristin Comella

March 2nd, 2020|

Our guest is Dr. Kristin Comella, Chief Science Officer with US Stem Cell. With over 20 years of experience, she is an expert in biohacking and regenerative stem cell therapy. Today, we’re discussing the fascinating world of regenerative medicine, a completely naturalistic approach to repairing the body.

2402, 2020

439: Bank On Yourself Co-Founder, Tim Austin

February 24th, 2020|

Joining us is Tim Austin, the man who, along with Pamela Yellen, co-founded the Bank On Yourself concept. He is also the founder of SET for Advisors, a leading training organization for financial advisors who want to help their clients grow wealth predictably and without risk or volatility. He’s here to share why current investment and savings practices are so different from the time-tested methods of previous generations, and how we can learn and profit from the tried-and-true methods of our great-grandparents.

1702, 2020

438: Guaranteed Retirement Income Expert, Keith Mohn

February 17th, 2020|

People speculate based on emotion even without realizing it. And this is a tough-love kind of no-nonsense talk that breaks down why very popular financial strategies so often fail – and why dividend bearing whole life insurance has been such a reliable tool for so many years for shoring up your financial future and avoiding risk.

1002, 2020

437: Classical Education Advocate, Susan Wise Bauer

February 10th, 2020|

Susan Wise Bauer, bestselling author of several books, including The Well-Educated Mind: A Guide to the Classical Education You Never Had, advocates returning to classical education to solve many of our children’s educational problems. And she’s here to help us understand why this approach is both timely and needed in our modern society.

302, 2020

436: Average Rate of Return Webinar Replay

February 3rd, 2020|

Teresa recently sat down with fellow Bank On Yourself advisor, Kristin Colca, for another Living Wealthy Financial webinar - this one to destroy the myth that the average rate of return advertised for a given savings vehicle equals the actual rate of return on that investment. Most investments advertise an average return that grossly inflates what clients actually experience each year.

2701, 2020

435: Bank On Yourself Training Consultant, Marvin Bulas

January 27th, 2020|

In today’s conversation, Teresa is reminiscing with a long-time friend and mentor about their Bank On Yourself journey. They discuss the intensive training that distinguishes Bank On Yourself advisors, some of the unique objections they’ve encountered along the way, as well as the incredible power and potential these plans afford people regardless of where they are coming from.

2001, 2020

434: Hormone Optimization Hacker, Jay Campbell (Part2)

January 20th, 2020|

So much of what we hear from our doctors and the medical establishment is ill-informed, not evidence-based, or worse, part of a sinister design by those in power to rob of us our vitality and enslave us in a system of endless consumption and dependence. This talk is just full of truths you won’t hear anywhere else.

1301, 2020

433: Hormone Optimization Hacker, Jay Campbell (Part1)

January 13th, 2020|

Our world is under assault from the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, and it’s affecting everything about who we are. Our men are becoming less masculine and have less vitality. And women are suffering as well. We lack energy, we’re overweight, we age faster than we should, and we’re more prone to inflammation and chronic diseases.

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