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22 06, 2020

456: Becky Akers on the COVID-19 Takeover

This conversation is about freedom – and how COVID-19 is being used to take away what little freedom we have left in this Orwellian country. If you’re looking for just a little sanity and logic in this mad and panicking world, this is it. We’re talking cold, hard facts along with some very helpful speculation and theories thrown in to boot.

8 06, 2020

454: Nomad Capitalist, Andrew Henderson

Is the United States the best country to live and do business in? If you think it is, why do you think that? Could it be, we don’t objectively analyze the country we’re born into? What if there are other places that treated you better? Maybe they offer a lower corporate tax rate, better services, a friendlier culture, lower income taxes, safer investment opportunities, etc.?

11 05, 2020

450: Jason Wasser on Thriving in Uncertain Times

We’re under a lot of stress these days. We’re facing financial uncertainty, health risks, a changing social structure – and it’s affecting us more than we realize. Fortunately, there are powerful therapies and principles which can turn our challenges into opportunities for success. And in this talk, we’re going to jump right into those.

4 05, 2020

449: Becky Akers on the COVID-19 Takeover

This conversation is about freedom – and how COVID-19 is being used to take away what little freedom we have left in this Orwellian country. If you’re looking for just a little sanity and logic in this mad and panicking world, this is it. We’re talking cold, hard facts along with some very helpful speculation and theories thrown in to boot.

9 03, 2020

441: Larry Smith, American Business Success Story

Most Americans go to work, spend 40-80 hours grinding away, and never manage to put much away for the future. Most live paycheck to paycheck with little to nothing for emergencies, major life expenses, or just enjoying their families. But as this conversation brings out, all it takes is a little self-education, a few unconventional principles, and maybe a paradigm shift, and you can change all this. You can live off passive income and have the time left over to live the life you want to live.

9 12, 2019

428: Nomad Capitalist, Andrew Henderson

Is the United States the best country to live and do business in? If you think it is, why do you think that? Could it be, we don’t objectively analyze the country we’re born into? What if there are other places that treated you better? Maybe they offer a lower corporate tax rate, better services, a friendlier culture, lower income taxes, safer investment opportunities, etc.?

11 11, 2019

424: Retirement Planning Strategist, Rick Onorato

Regular listeners will be surprised in this interview to hear about a rather unique retirement investment tool built around a 401k. That’s right, a 401k! You’re likely not familiar with a variation on the traditional 401k that allows much more flexibility, higher contribution levels, much greater tax deductions, and a vehicle for building real retirement wealth.

5 08, 2019

410: Retirement Planning Strategist, Rick Onorato

Regular listeners will be surprised in this interview to hear about a rather unique retirement investment tool built around a 401k. That’s right, a 401k! You’re likely not familiar with a variation on the traditional 401k that allows much more flexibility, higher contribution levels, much greater tax deductions, and a vehicle for building real retirement wealth.

26 11, 2018

374: BitShares Godfather Stan Larimer (Part2)

Are you ready for a decentralized economic system that allows you to thrive without government restraints? Many believe cryptocurrency holds the key for entrepreneurial innovation, but others are skeptical it could lead to a global currency. What opportunities does blockchain technology add to the mix? Is there room for philanthropy and business innovation alike in this new playing field?

29 10, 2018

370: Rick Sapio, Serial Entrepreneur & Visionary

Rick has a radically unique perspective on business that most entrepreneurs simply don’t discover – a perspective he attributes to the unique three values that dictate his life: simplicity, probability, and leverage. He’s here to share with us how the latent power in these values can transform our lives and empower us to live wealthy, happy, and fulfilled.

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