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22 07, 2019

408: Line of Credit Webinar Replay

Teresa recently sat down with fellow Bank On Yourself advisor, Kristin Colca, for another Living Wealthy Financial webinar - this one for a stunning reality check on lines of credit.

8 07, 2019

406: Homeownership Myths Webinar Replay

Teresa recently sat down with fellow Bank On Yourself advisor, Kristin Colca, for a Living Wealthy Financial webinar. The goal was to discuss the many misconceptions and myths surrounding homeownership.

11 03, 2019

389: Teresa on Not Your Average Financial Podcast

Teresa recently appeared as a guest on the Not Your Average Financial Podcast. In this conversation, financial advisor Mark Willis is interviewing Teresa about her own journey with money, politics, and the way the world works. And you’ll notice one of the main takeaways from this talk – and something Teresa often recommends for everyone [...]

15 10, 2018

368: Nelson Nash, Infinite Banking Visionary (Part2)

Are you frustrated with financial system in this country and looking for alternatives? Do you sometimes wonder how the central banking establishment came about in this country, and what you can do to regain a measure of control and freedom in your finances?

8 10, 2018

367: Nelson Nash, Infinite Banking Visionary (Part1)

Have you ever gotten a loan for something and cringed over how much money you were pouring down the drain as interest payments? Have you ever tried to get financing for a home or other major expense only to find an endless cycle of hurdles and obstacles? More and more people are realizing the centralized financial system in this country doesn't work for them. But what can we do about it? Is it possible to opt out of the banking system entirely?

11 06, 2018

350: Nelson Nash, Infinite Banking Visionary (Part2)

Are you frustrated with financial system in this country and looking for alternatives? Do you sometimes wonder how the central banking establishment came about in this country, and what you can do to regain a measure of control and freedom in your finances?

4 06, 2018

349: Nelson Nash, Infinite Banking Visionary (Part1)

Have you ever gotten a loan for something and cringed over how much money you were pouring down the drain as interest payments? Have you ever tried to get financing for a home or other major expense only to find an endless cycle of hurdles and obstacles? More and more people are realizing the centralized financial system in this country doesn't work for them. But what can we do about it? Is it possible to opt out of the banking system entirely?

15 01, 2018

329: Nelson Nash, Infinite Banking Visionary (Part2)

Are you frustrated with financial system in this country and looking for alternatives? Do you sometimes wonder how the central banking establishment came about in this country, and what you can do to regain a measure of control and freedom in your finances?

8 01, 2018

328: Nelson Nash, Infinite Banking Visionary (Part1)

Have you ever gotten a loan for something and cringed over how much money you were pouring down the drain as interest payments? Have you ever tried to get financing for a home or other major expense only to find an endless cycle of hurdles and obstacles? More and more people are realizing the centralized financial system in this country doesn't work for them. But what can we do about it? Is it possible to opt out of the banking system entirely?

18 12, 2017

325: Banking Alternatives Author, Lisa Servon

At one point in our nation’s history, banks were a helpful part of our daily lives. However, in recent decades, Americans’ views of the banking industry have begun to change, and it’s becoming more apparent that banks put big profits first – before their customers. Many Americans are waking up and asking, What can we do about this? How can we take back control of our own money?

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