How many times have you heard someone complain that they feel like they are working harder than ever- longer hours at work, less time at home with the family- and still feel like they are falling behind? It is becoming harder and harder for middle class families to get ahead. With elections right around the corner, you start to wonder where we went wrong as a country. Is it tax cuts, inflation, too-big-to-fail banks or corporations manipulating the stock market? And why does it seem like the mainstream media is trying so hard to distract you from the real issues at hand? Dennis Marker examines, step-by-step, in his new book “The Fifteen Steps to Corporate Feudalism”, why the policies being promoted today reveal that the decline of the middle class is no mistake and is here today to help us understand what’s really going on. Dennis has also worked in Washington D.C. for the U.S. Congress, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, and various political campaigns.

Dennis will share with you today the shocking steps politicians are taking to hold down the middle class:

-What is corporate feudalism?

-How big corporations use this concept to take on the role of feudal lords- hanging our own jobs over our heads?

-How did they convince us to buy into this propaganda?

-How popular media promotes this agenda?

-And more!

You don’t want to miss this show- we debunk some conventional wisdom on public policy in America that distract us from the real issues at hand. Press play to listen now, or download the podcast!

Make sure to visit Dennis online at, and buy his book now on, “The Fifteen Steps to Corporate Feudalism”.