Do you ever feel like something is missing? Maybe you have a successful career, a beautiful family, but you dread getting up in the morning? Do you compare yourself to others and wonder why they seem to be motivated and on the path to success, or maybe you wonder how in the world do they manage to juggle everything with a smile on their face and positive attitude? They must be some kind of superhuman! You can be a superhuman too- and live an exceptional life- by following the lessons of Dr. Tom Hill. Today, Dr. Hill is a life coach to executives and business owners, helping them create a balanced life, spiritually  emotionally, financially, and professionally while staying healthy and growing their relationships.
 Dr. Hill will discuss:
  • His advice to aspiring entrepreneurs
  • Why it’s important to find balance in life
  • The 6 Life Priorities
  • How you can get started today on living an exceptional life

Tom is an inspiration and a cheerleader for entrepreneurs everywhere. Breaking the mold and becoming a small business owner or entrepreneur is a challenge, and it’s always good for us to know that there are people like you who can coach us along the way. Press play to listen now, or download the podcast! After you listen to the show, visit Dr Hill online at Tom Hill Website.

Make sure to check out Dr. Tom Hill’s books on

Living at the Summit

Chicken Soup for the Entrepreneur’s Soul