Are you stuck in the middle of the middle?

By 2008, socio-economic research was beginning to confirm what many of us already knew…

Endangered Middle Class PhotoThe middle class in America is vanishing at an astonishing rate.

According to Pew Research, Americans, especially middle class Americans, are feeling less progress in their lives now than at any time in at last 44 years.

This, Pew says, is the most downbeat assessment of personal progress in the last half century…

Of those surveyed an alarming number of people (over 31%) say that not only do they feel they haven’t made any progress in their lives, they have actually fallen BACKWARD.( 1)

The economic downturn fueled by upheavals in the housing market, Wall Street scams, and an overall lack of faith in government solutions to the crisis, has contributed to the high numbers of people who say they just can’t get ahead and that retirement planning is out of the question.

Current economic realities, such as the fact that median household incomes have been declining since 1999, have taken huge chunks out of already distressed American budgets.

With our financial “NOW” in such chaos, it’s little wonder than we cannot even begin to contempate the future…

However, that future will come, whether we are prepared for it or not…

If you want to be ready, in a better position than you ever imagined, then you should consider Bank on Yourself!

You Can Save Yourself From A Financial Sucker Punch

If you are like me, you probably never learned the whole story about how it is possible to make your money work harder for you by saving thousands of dollars in interest; interest that you would normally pay to banks or finance companies.

It’s likely that you have been told you have no other choice but to subject yourself to the risky business of Wall Street if you want to retire wealthy…

You may have been conditioned to believe that the only way to finance large purchases, such as real estate, automobiles, or business equipment is to crawl, hat in hand, to some bank or finance company…

and beg them to “accept” you and “allow” you to pay them large sums of money for doing nothing…
(they created that money they lent you out of thin air.. but that’s a story for another time)

You might still be hearing the old rules about how best to save for retirement, but…

I am here to tell you that the old school wisdom about finances no longer applies…

The Wall Street Scammers And Financial Hustlers Hope and Pray You Won’t Figure This Out…

You DO have an alternative…..

You can use the same financial vehicle that many wealthy people use,

a system even I used to think sounded too good to be true, until I decided to use it to protect my own financial future…

It’s the type of plan about which few financial professionals know anything; and one which the Wall Street scammers and financiers pray you never discover…

When I did, I realized that it was indeed a safe way to grow my money, keep virtually all of it for myself, and protect your nest egg from market volatility. I am betting that you could do the same…

In fact, I believe in the concept so completely that I now focus 100% of my energy on educating others about its’ potential to change your financial life forever.

I hope that you will take the time to read the report available to you on this website.   You will be amazed at how this type of savings vehicle can dramatically change your future.

Don’t forget to write down any questions you might have. Send those questions to me, and I will be glad to answer them.

You don’t have to keep throwing away your money needlessly and wind up with less than you should have in retirement.

Call my office now and let’s discuss what I can do to help you defend every dollar.