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26 01, 2015

172: Charlotte Iserbyt, Common Core Whistleblower & Former Dept. of Education Advisor

Do you have concerns about Common Core? Have you seen some of the bizarre material contained in this new educational system? Is Common Core really a mechanism to dumb down our children and remove the discretion of the local school board from the equation? What can we do about this?

24 08, 2014

150: Charlotte Iserbyt, Common Core Whistleblower & Former Dept. of Education Advisor

Do you have concerns about Common Core? Have you seen some of the bizarre material contained in this new educational system? Is Common Core really a mechanism to dumb down our children and remove the discretion of the local school board from the equation? What can we do about this?

29 06, 2014

142: Kevin Miller, Award-Winning Writer, Director, & Drug Researcher

Do you have a child who has been prescribed Ritalin or been put on psychotropic drugs? Perhaps you know someone who has been on antipsychotics. More and more children are being prescribed anti-depressants, and you have to wonder: what are the consequences of drugging an entire generation of our youth?

1 06, 2014

138: Chuck Baldwin, Pastor, Presidential Candidate, & Constitutional Champion

Do you long for the “good old days” when America seemed a bit more free? Do you wonder where we went wrong and what it would take to get us back on the right path? Maybe you’ve put your political eggs in the Republican or Democrat basket only to be disappointed by the endless push for more and more intrusive government. Maybe you’ve turned to your church or the Bible looking for answers, but you’ve been told to just obey the powers that be...

25 05, 2014

137: Ty Bollinger, Cancer Researcher & Alternative Cure Advocate

Ever wonder if you might get cancer? 1 out of 2 men and 1 out of 3 women will. Perhaps you or a loved one already has cancer and you’re wondering what to do next. Medical experts and researchers are discovering more and more alternative treatments, and the evidence suggests that cancer might be a defeated foe. Every few seconds, someone is diagnosed with cancer, and every few seconds, another person dies from cancer. It doesn’t have to be this way...

30 03, 2014

129: Chuck Baldwin, Pastor, Presidential Candidate, & Constitutional Champion

Do you long for the “good old days” when America seemed a bit more free? Do you wonder where we went wrong and what it would take to get us back on the right path? Maybe you’ve put your

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